
Sertindole 2020-07-11T20:29:46+08:00




英文名:Sertindole;Lu 23-174

CAS 号: 106516-24-9




DescriptionSertindole, a neuroleptic, is one of the newer antipsychotic medications available. Target: Multi-target In vitro studies showed that sertindole exerts a potent antagonism at serotonin 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, dopamine D2, and αl adrenergic receptors. Sertindole offers an alternative treatment option for refractory patients given its good EPS profile, favorable metabolic profile, and comparable efficacy to risperidone. Due to cardiovascular safety concerns, sertindole is available as a second-line choice for patients intolerant to other antipsychotic agents [1]. Sertindole should prove to be a very useful addition to the therapeutic options available for the treatment of psychotic disorders [2]. Sertindole improves negative symptoms, and is also effective for the treatment of neuroleptic-resistant schizophrenia. Sertindole is generally well tolerated and is associated with a low rate of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). Thus, sertindole is a useful option in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia [3].
Target5-HT2A Receptor;5-HT2C Receptor
References[1]. Juruena, M.F., E.P. de Sena, and I.R. de Oliveira, Sertindole in the management of schizophrenia. J Cent Nerv Syst Dis, 2011. 3: p. 75-85.
[2]. Kane, J.M. and C.A. Tamminga, Sertindole (Serdolect): preclinical and clinical findings of a new atypical antipsychotic. Expert Opin Investig Drugs, 1997. 6(11): p. 1729-41.
[3]. Murdoch, D. and G.M. Keating, Sertindole : a review of its use in schizophrenia. CNS Drugs, 2006. 20(3): p. 233-55.
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